NOVEMBER 1, 2024


When Pigs Fly Barbeque

Post Office Box 204

Maxwelton, West Virginia 24957

(304) 249-8124


Free Thanksgiving Dinner

When Pigs Fly Barbeque  is happy to announce their Tenth Annual “Giving Back Day,” to be held on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th, 2024.    They are proud to be partnering with the State Fair of West Virginia to hold the event at the West Virginia Building  on the West Virginia State Fairgrounds in Fairlea, West Virginia.

    “With the help of over 140 volunteers, we served 873 free Thanksgiving Dinners in 2023, and we suspect the need may be even greater this year,” said Kellen Leef, co-owner of the popular local caterer and event provider.    “So many people are just struggling to get by.”   Her partner, Mike Sheridan, said “we try to give a little something back to the community which has been so good to us, and feeding people is a great way to do it.”   

They will be providing a traditional Thanksgiving meal, including roast turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, corn, sweet potatoes, cranberry salad, pumpkin pie, and all the rest of the trimmings free to anyone who shows up.

“There are many people in our community who are either alone, or unable to prepare themselves a traditional Thanksgiving meal,” said Leef.   “We want them to share this joyful and thankful occasion with us.  So, if you know of such people, ask them to come by and join us for good food and fellowship.”  There is absolutely no charge and no catch;  people can throw a donation in the bucket if they want to.  We do not check ID’s, and no paperwork is required.  Just show up and eat.  

They will also deliver to shut-ins, if they have enough volunteer drivers.   Doors open from 12-4 on Thanksgiving Day (or until they run out).   Carry-out and deliveries begin at 1:00.  Please call 304-249-8124 after 9:00 on Thursday morning to request home delivery.

Over the years, the event has evolved into a community-sponsored event, and “we have gotten incredible community support.  We’ve been fortunate to have donations of both food and cash from a number of individuals and organizations in the community.   We’ve received support from many local businesses, churches, and individuals, and will respectfully ask all local businesses to step up and participate.  “We realize that times are hard right now,” said Leef, “but we all need to do what we can to help each other.” 

Diners may throw some money into the tip jar if they choose, but it is not required.  Leftover food, if any, is donated to the local food bank.  Leftover cash, if any, goes to Penny Pitch, a local charitable organization.

They are expecting volunteers on Wednesday, as well as Thanksgiving Day, and the following Friday,  to help prep, cook, serve and clean up.  Shifts are set up so that nobody has to work all day; people will get to spend time with their families while donating 3 or 4 hours to the community on Thanksgiving Day. 

The traffic flow through the Fairgrounds, and parking are rigid:  Enter through the main gate on the northbound side of Route 219, and follow the signs to the new parking area.   Please stay within the designated traffic lanes so we don’t disturb the “Christmas at the Fair” light show, which will already be set up all over the Fairgrounds.

Please call (304) 249-8124 and ask for Kellen to  pledge a contribution.  To volunteer, please call Cathy Sawyer at (304) 645-5401 or email her at

When Pigs Fly Barbeque has been cooking and selling real pit barbeque since 2005.  They are currently focused on catering, events such as fairs and festivals, made-to-order donuts, seafood, their new Weenie King hot dog cart,  and concessionaire services for sporting and other events.  See their Facebook page or call Kellen at (304) 249-8124 for more information.

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Parking Plan  

Please enter at the Main Gate on US 219 Northbound, and follow the signs, so we don't disturb the Christmas Lights, which are already in place.  You will park beside the Underwood Building, and exit around the shop, through Gate 3 and Southbound on 219.

Everyone is Welcome!